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Understanding the HTTP 410 Gone Status in a Ruby on Rails Context

by Michael Blum on 17.03.2023


In the world of web development, HTTP status codes are essential for conveying the result of a request between a client and a server. While you might be familiar with common status codes like 200 (OK) and 404 (Not Found), the 410 (Gone) status is less known but still important to understand. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the HTTP 410 Gone status code and how to use it within a Ruby on Rails application.

What is the HTTP 410 Gone Status?

The HTTP 410 Gone status code indicates that the requested resource is no longer available on the server, and that this condition is likely to be permanent. Unlike a 404 Not Found status, which implies that the resource might be available again in the future, a 410 Gone status tells the client that the resource has been intentionally removed and will not return.

Why is HTTP 410 Gone useful?

The HTTP 410 Gone status code is useful in situations where you want to inform clients that a resource has been permanently removed, and you don’t want them to keep trying to access it in the future. This can be especially important for API development, where clients might need to know if a particular endpoint or resource is no longer available.

For example, imagine that your API provides access to a collection of user data, and you need to remove a user from the collection due to a violation of your terms of service. By returning a 410 Gone status code when the client tries to access the removed user’s data, you can immediately inform the client that the user is no longer available, and they can adjust their application accordingly.

Using HTTP 410 Gone in Ruby on Rails

In a Ruby on Rails application, you can easily set the HTTP status code of a response using the render or head methods in your controller actions. To set the status code to 410 Gone, simply provide the :gone symbol as the value for the :status option.

Here’s an example of how to use the 410 Gone status code in a Rails controller action:

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @article = Article.find_by(id: params[:id])

    if @article && @article.removed?
      render plain: "The requested article has been permanently removed.", status: :gone
    elsif @article
      render :show
      render plain: "Article not found.", status: :not_found

In this example, we check if the requested article exists and if it has been marked as removed. If the article is removed, we render a plain text response with a 410 Gone status. If the article is not found at all, we render a 404 Not Found status instead.


The HTTP 410 Gone status code is a useful tool for informing clients that a resource has been permanently removed. By using this status code in your Ruby on Rails applications, you can provide more accurate information to clients about the state of requested resources and help them handle these situations more effectively.

Happy Coding!


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